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Canados History

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Canados Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

Canados is located in Rome, just 7 km from the international airport of Fiumicino. The Canados shipyard was founded in 1946, on an ex-hydroplane base. The Italian Navy, coastguard and Italian Harbor Masters commisioned the first the first vessels built by Canados. At the time, the master carpenters who founded the cooperative that would soon become Canados (a contraction of Cantieri Navali di Ostia) quickly achieved a revered reputation worldwide.


In 1953, while attending the launching of eight fast interceptor patrol boats, the representative of a royal family of a Gulf emirate feel in love with the mastery of Canados’ carpenters. His immediate reaction was to enquire if the yard would be able to build a yacht for His Highness. This was a challenge gladly accepted, an opportunity to express their art in a situation where only perfection would be deemed acceptable.

Canados Office Location


Canados prides itself on being one of the only Italian yacht builders to manufacture most everything in-house. Our design, engineering and technical offices provide all the calculations necessary for structural resistance, GA, and the design of most systems. This results in total flexibility to positively answer the majority of demands from owners.

Aerial View of Shipyard